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Donkey Kong as
a series seems like it has constantly been struggling to justify its own
existence. He may have started out as a Japanese arcade character with a poorly
translated name, but the classic image of Donkey Kong is the necktie-wearing
CGI ape conjured by British developer Rare for their mega-popular Donkey Kong Country in 1994. But even in
that game, which arguably did put DK on the same level as Mario for a while,
insecurities start to poke through. On a console like the Super Nintendo full
of amazing platformers like Super Mario
World and Mega Man X, how does a
new one stand out? Also, with the first PlayStation on the horizon, how does a
regular old 16-bit game stave off obsolescence? With its then-revolutionary
technique of importing 3D models as 2D sprites, Donkey Kong Country solved both of these problems with a single
stroke. However, although the mind-blowing visuals did rocket it above the
competition at the time, later reevaluations of the game would agree that the actual
platforming gameplay failed to meet classic Nintendo standards.
The 3D power of
the Nintendo 64 then gave Rare the chance to prove their Donkey Kong games were
more than just style over substance. When comparing the two DK titles on the
N64 with their contemporaries, the phrase that comes to mind is "bigger,
but not necessarily better." Let's start with 1997’s Diddy Kong Racing. For years, Mario
Kart's racing and battle modes have been huge multiplayer hits. So that was
the game Diddy Kong Racing needed to
surpass to prove why it should even exist. It took what worked about Mario's kart
racing and just added more. It included planes and boats, something Mario Kart is only now just implementing.
It added a substantial single-player mode with a hub area to explore and
elaborate boss races. It even threw in a central antagonist in the form of the
woefully underused Wizpig. Diddy Kong
Racing's plethora of features brought some appreciated depth to the kart
racing genre, as well as some superfluous touch screen shenanigans in its 2007
But feature
creep soon decayed into bloat when Rare then applied this same expansive philosophy
to the 3D platformer Donkey Kong 64
two years later. Quality aside, DK64's
sheer size and scope remain impressive. One of the few games that required the
N64 ram expansion, the game felt so full that it was about to burst. However, it
quickly collapses under its own weight and sealed Rare’s reputation as makers
of nothing but big collect-a-thons. Players switch between five characters each
with their own bananas, blueprints, and weapon ammo to collect. But wait,
there’s more. Throw in some crystal coconuts and bananas fairies to find, along
with musical instruments to unlock and different strengths of ground pounds to purchase.
Self-indulgence even plagues the game from the very start with the terrible
cult classic “DK Rap.” “His coconut gun can fire in spurts. If he shoots ya,
it's gonna hurt.” As a kid, I found DK64
epic and overwhelming, but looking back, it’s just an overly dense slog. In
trying to be a bigger and better 3D platformer than Super Mario 64, as well as Rare's own Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64
just looked like it was trying too hard. No wonder the care-free raunchiness of
Conker's Bad Fur Day was such a
However, after
selling Rare to Microsoft in 2002, and killing projects like Donkey Kong Racing in the process, the
question for Nintendo then became "just what do we do with Donkey
Kong?" Again, what's the point in keeping him around? Their solution
seemed to be relegating him to strange side projects to fill holes in their
release schedule. While that may sound like an undignified fate for the
franchise that single-handedly extended the life of the Super Nintendo, this
freedom actually produced some of the most interesting and experimental Donkey
Kong games. This era gave us the peculiar, peg-swinging platforming of Paon’s DK: King of Swing and DK: Jungle Climber. It let the big
monkey step into the ring as the final secret character into the Punch-Out!! Wii remake.

After completing the acclaimed Metroid Prime Trilogy, many key members
of Retro Studios left the company. Suddenly, one of Nintendo's best teams
needed a new project. When these two Nintendo possessions both in need of long-term
futures came together, Retro and Donkey Kong made sweet jungle love. The two
most recent Donkey Kong Country revivals
may look relatively conventional compared to DK's past adventures, after all
the first one is literally called Donkey
Kong Country Returns, but they’re still exceedingly well-made. With their
high difficulty, weighty physics, and naturalistic 2.5D environments, they also
feel like entirely different animals compared to the similarly nostalgic New Super Mario Bros. series.
For as good as
they'll probably be, it's not too hard to imagine what the next few Mario,
Zelda, or even Metroid games might look like. However, after going from a slick
2D platformer, to a bloated 3D platformer, to the world's only bongo-based
platformer, and back to a slick 2D platformer, Donkey Kong's wayward trajectory
is much harder to predict. Like a sketchy old celebrity, that unreliability may
be what's ultimately keeping him from reaching full Nintendo superstar status, and
that far-out ambition doesn't always pay off. But when it does, it elevates old
Dankey Kang to my personal favorite Nintendo franchise. I’d take games as fun,
fresh, fascinating, and just plain freaking weird as these past Donkey Kong games
over Mario Party 23 any day. Come on,
do the Donkey Kong.
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