But this is not a review of that game. This is a review of the revolutionary new accessory it comes bundled with: The Nintendo 3DS Stand (pictured above). Now the circle pad pro, which I also own, from a few months ago may have added some important functionality, what with its second analog stick. However this stand may have it beat. It makes an entire game playable. Without the stand, the controls of Kid Icarus are awkward and hand-cramping but with it they are just awkward. This is only an issue early on though. With enough practice the game plays fine with or without a stupid stand. However, just as one needs to crawl before they can walk, so too does this stand play a vital role in one's gaming development.
Plus it's pretty neat how it folds up.
3 stars
More ironic reviews. I'm sorry. Luckily Spring Break is over meaning this should theoretically be the last one of these for a while.
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