That last post was weird and awesome but a little light on real content. So here's a nice big chunk of my nostalgia to help make up for it. Basically I decided to scan all the articles I wrote for my high school newspaper
The Braggin' Dragon. We were the Kingsway Dragons you see. Kingsway Regional High School. South Jersey is a weird place. It's like the New Jersey everyone thinks they know about but with less New York and more Philadelphia therefore water ice.
Anyway, these articles were written during my sophomore, junior and senior years (before all the fancy Medill training) where I rose from simple staff writer to both entertainment and opinions editor.
Enjoy the articles. (and my hands which were occasionally needed for optimal memory preserving)
Interview with a student beekeeper |
Cloverfield movie review |
Opinion piece on 2008 presidential debate |
Opinion piece to lower the drinking age |
Watchmen movie review part 1 |
Watchmen movie review part 2 |
District 9 movie review |
Article about Oliver Stone's movies about presidents |
Profile on two tennis players |
Article about the 2007-2008 writer's strike |
Opinion piece about how dumb 3D movies are. Sound familiar? | | |
Opinion piece on Hollywood remakes |
A very nice piece the paper's adviser wrote about me and all the other editors who were graduating |
The paper's mission statement which also lists my positions |
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