Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Pie Planet 10 The Anniversary
Seeing as Pie Planet was originally spread across three distinct books, book two and book three both start with arcs that are meant to be "clip shows" of the previous books and help readers deal with the increasing importance of the plot. Is this arc a little irrelevant now that that the whole thing is being archived. Yes but here it is anyway. VOLUME II STARTS NOW!

Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Pie Planet 9 The Storm Emperor
To make up for missing last week what with all that hard drive nonsense, here's the entire two-part finale to the first "volume" of Pie Planet. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 19, 2011
I'm back
Sorry for the little hiatus but the hard drive on my laptop crashed and iPads are not suitable blogging replacements. Everything is mostly good now though and it's time to get back to it. Also, during the blackout I went a little crazy on Twitter so check that out. That's the only real update for today. Actually one more thing. Making videos is hard, so the "Game Baby Dialogues" series I teased a while back probably won't happen, at least for a while. Movement is starting to happen on my projects though so look out for that. Plus, if you get your hopes down, it'll be a pleasant surprise if any Game Baby stuff does happen. That's a good way to view life in general.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 12/9/2011
I'm going to be here for a while thanks to Xmas
So I'll probably have more time to write stuff like this
Mystery Ball Review
Galaxix Review
Google Currents, Google’s New Magazine Reader, Arrives on the App Store
So I'll probably have more time to write stuff like this
Mystery Ball Review
Galaxix Review
Google Currents, Google’s New Magazine Reader, Arrives on the App Store
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
So I Saw the Muppets
(The Toy Story short in the beginning of this is worth it just for the puns alone like Tae Kwon Doe, a fighting female deer)
This will be even less of a review than my other "sort of reviews."
Weirdly enough, the first time I remember seeing The Muppets they weren't in their original puppet forms. Instead, I grew up loving the "Muppet Babies" cartoon of all things. Eventually though I learned to love Kermit and company in their original felt forms.
I think part of the appeal of The Muppets, and puppets in general, is that they are like cartoons that actually exist. Kermit is a talking frog who can light a real match. That's that crazy Jim Henson, hippie social change stuff right there.
This will be even less of a review than my other "sort of reviews."
Weirdly enough, the first time I remember seeing The Muppets they weren't in their original puppet forms. Instead, I grew up loving the "Muppet Babies" cartoon of all things. Eventually though I learned to love Kermit and company in their original felt forms.
I think part of the appeal of The Muppets, and puppets in general, is that they are like cartoons that actually exist. Kermit is a talking frog who can light a real match. That's that crazy Jim Henson, hippie social change stuff right there.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Call me Janet Jackson
This is my 100th post.
Too busy to write anything else so just enjoy that reference.
Too busy to write anything else so just enjoy that reference.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Stuff I Did This week 11/25/2011
Isn't it great that the Muppets are a thing again? Especially this guy?
What's also great is the stuff I managed to write this week
Bagatelle Pinball Review
Manage Personal Data with Venticento Studio's Apps
ROAD., A Digital Auto Museum for iPad
voidScapes Review
What's also great is the stuff I managed to write this week
Bagatelle Pinball Review
Manage Personal Data with Venticento Studio's Apps
ROAD., A Digital Auto Museum for iPad
voidScapes Review
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
On Holidays
What with finals and plane trips happening, coming up with an original post for this week has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Then I went to a Christmas party in the middle of November and it all clicked.
Christmas celebrations start way too early these days.
Christmas celebrations start way too early these days.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Uh Oh Politics: Andrew Breitbart
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this but the circumstances of my life have forced to me to have a somewhat decent familiarity with politics. It’s not that I mind. Politics are fascinating and it’s fun to go from thinking about games that ultimately don't matter (video games) to games that do (elections). What with the spectacle of idiocy that is the Republican search for their presidential candidate continuing to… continue, this is as good a time as any to maybe start writing more stuff about this nonsense.
Also, everyone should know that I’m incredibly biased. I’m not going to pretend I’m not liberal. I’m not really going to try to be fair. What else is a blog for than to just write down your opinions anyway? Just know that going in.
What’s the actual topic of this post? The speech given by Andrew Breitbart, a reverse-Michael Moore-ish figure and creator of conservative blogs like "Big Hollywood", "Big Journalism" and "Big Government", I had recently had the pleasure of listening to.
Also, everyone should know that I’m incredibly biased. I’m not going to pretend I’m not liberal. I’m not really going to try to be fair. What else is a blog for than to just write down your opinions anyway? Just know that going in.
What’s the actual topic of this post? The speech given by Andrew Breitbart, a reverse-Michael Moore-ish figure and creator of conservative blogs like "Big Hollywood", "Big Journalism" and "Big Government", I had recently had the pleasure of listening to.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Pie Planet 6-2 Pie Fighter Tournament 2
Monday, November 7, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 11/7/2011
Complications arose that kept this from going up last Friday but here it is now. Expect the next one next Friday.
Monkey Bongo Review
Cooking Dash Kicks it up a Notch with Emeril Lagasse
Monkey Bongo Review
Cooking Dash Kicks it up a Notch with Emeril Lagasse
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Blog Post About Blog Posts
Here's the deal with this post. I was going to write it for one website but by the time it was finished they decided they didn't want it anymore because what they were focusing on had changed. Journalism. Then I kind of halfheartedly tried to get this onto other places so it wouldn't be a complete waste and now I'm just posting it here for you lovely people to enjoy. Please excuse the somewhat professional sounding language. That's not what this blog is about.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Love Me Some Lovecraft: Hypnos and more
Halloween, it’s the perfect day to end our short and strange journey through the works of H.P. Lovecraft. With the final entry “Hypnos”, the emphasis is on the short as the version I read was only about a dozen pages. As such, telling too much about the story would just give the whole thing away. All you need to know is that it involves dreams, statues that are sometimes people, and of course bizarre monsters. The quick pace at which it moves heightens the bizarre, frightening, and dare I say, dreamlike tone. Plus, it is so short that one has very little to lose by reading it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Pie Planet 5- Pie Planet History Lessons
Monday, October 24, 2011
Love Me Some Lovecraft: At the Mountains of Madness
The inter-dimensional terror gets slightly longer and more snow-filled this week with the 12-chapter novella At The Mountains of Madness.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Stuff I (octo)Did This Week 10/21/2011
I wrote these things too
Mixr Review
SlideShark Brings Easy PowerPoint Viewing to iPad
Hope's Quest Review
OMG OCTODAD, OMG OCTODAD RETWEETS! OMG HOPEFULLY MORE GAME STUFF FROM ME COMING TO NBN (North By Northwestern, the premier Northwestern magazine/website)
I wrote these things too
Mixr Review
SlideShark Brings Easy PowerPoint Viewing to iPad
Hope's Quest Review
OMG OCTODAD, OMG OCTODAD RETWEETS! OMG HOPEFULLY MORE GAME STUFF FROM ME COMING TO NBN (North By Northwestern, the premier Northwestern magazine/website)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Love Me Some Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror
When someone tries to unleash a demon, you should take him seriously even if his name is Wilbur Whateley. That's the lesson of this week's story "The Dunwich Horror."
Friday, October 14, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 10/14/2011
Halloween is about to be a thing isn't it. I should probably start looking for an ironic costume. In the meantime here's what I wrote this week.
Monster Madness HD Review
Isle of Tune HD Review
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Love Me Some Lovecraft: The Shadow Over Innsmouth
Sorry for the lack of a "stuff I did this week" post last week but I honestly didn't do anything. At least, nothing on the internet. But now I'm back for another one of these. Fish people and bizarre race metaphors abound in this week's HP Lovecraft short story review type thing.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Love Me Some Lovecraft: The Call of Cthulhu
For reasons that you should hopefully discover in the coming months, I read several works by classic horror writer H.P. Lovecraft over the summer, despite my stance on reading. What with this being October and Halloween and stuff this is probably as good a month as any to share my short thoughts on these weird tales.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 9/30/2011
Only the chosen people can know what that image means.
But the rest of you can read what I wrote this week on the internet.
Grouptime Combines Messaging and Social Networking
PocketCloud Update Brings a New Kind of Storage to iOS
Ball Towers HD Review
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pie Planet 2- Living Together
This is still happening. Spelling mistakes are too. Lost already? Just click that "pie planet" label at the bottom to get caught up.

Monday, September 26, 2011
Mind Dump 7- Incorrect Opinions
I believe very strongly that certain things that are technically subjective opinions can be objectively wrong. This can range from views on some games to certain aspects of other cultures. However, the key to having this opinion while not becoming a hypocrite is recognizing one's own incorrect opinions like eating cereal without milk or the posts below.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 9/23/2011
Only one review, Running Sheep HD, and one news post, Formspring for iPhone, but this week I also helped start a wonderful Tumblr, Yeast Fairchild. Bread People is one of the good kinds of Tumblrs I was talking about and Yeast Fairchild is that but with people in my dorm, East Fairchild/CRC, turned into bread instead of celebrities. Please to enjoy.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Pie Planet 1- The Beginning
A while ago I mentioned this comic I made back in high school called "Pie Planet." Well, here at Northwestern it has developed a small, quasi-ironic following but only three physical copies of the entire three-volume series exist. So I'm giving into pressure (and lack of time to produce new content) and will be putting out one story arc each Wednesday, straight out of 2006, no context, HORRIBLE HORRIBLE SPELLING MISTAKES and all.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Big Stupid Things with Big Stupid Plots

Friday, September 16, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 9/16/2011
Another week(ish), another recap of stuff I wrote on this internet this week.
ProSel, A Mobile Sales Solution for iPad
Hypnoblocks Review
Shantae: Risky's Revenge Coming Soon to the App Store
Frogger Decades Review
ProSel, A Mobile Sales Solution for iPad
Hypnoblocks Review
Shantae: Risky's Revenge Coming Soon to the App Store
Frogger Decades Review
Sunday, September 11, 2011
On Star Wars
So the Star Wars movies are coming out on Blu-ray or already came out or whatever and people are getting mad because George Lucas added even more terrible/hilarious changes like this one...
Here's the thing. I like Star Wars, a lot actually and definitely more than Star Trek, but since it was never really a part of my formative childhood experience (except for the original 2D Clone Wars maybe but not the horrible 3D one) I'm not so emotionally attached to it that the prequels offended me the way they do some people. Granted, although episode 3 kind of has its moments, they are terrible movies as Red Letter Media so brilliantly illustrates but I've always felt that getting legitimately mad was kind of dumb.
Yes, the original Star Wars were group efforts with input from people who were far better writers and directors than George Lucas. However, at the end of the day STAR WARS BELONGS TO GEORGE LUCAS! IT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU FANS! That means that although it's kind of sad that he's ruining these movies (although ruin is a bit harsh) and he totally should let people get the originals, they are his movies to do with as he pleases. Plus, he is the single person most responsible for MAKING STAR WARS, so the credit he should get for that alone should trump most complaints. Calm down.
I say this because I know if I created a popular franchise, the last thing that would stop me from changing it would be angry, self-entitled fans. Art belongs to the artist.
Here's the thing. I like Star Wars, a lot actually and definitely more than Star Trek, but since it was never really a part of my formative childhood experience (except for the original 2D Clone Wars maybe but not the horrible 3D one) I'm not so emotionally attached to it that the prequels offended me the way they do some people. Granted, although episode 3 kind of has its moments, they are terrible movies as Red Letter Media so brilliantly illustrates but I've always felt that getting legitimately mad was kind of dumb.
Yes, the original Star Wars were group efforts with input from people who were far better writers and directors than George Lucas. However, at the end of the day STAR WARS BELONGS TO GEORGE LUCAS! IT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU FANS! That means that although it's kind of sad that he's ruining these movies (although ruin is a bit harsh) and he totally should let people get the originals, they are his movies to do with as he pleases. Plus, he is the single person most responsible for MAKING STAR WARS, so the credit he should get for that alone should trump most complaints. Calm down.
I say this because I know if I created a popular franchise, the last thing that would stop me from changing it would be angry, self-entitled fans. Art belongs to the artist.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
if anyone wants to know what I thought about "The Help"
I've been a part of a few lively Facebook conversations about whether or not the movie The Help is good or not. I wonder why they wanted my opinion? Eventually this less than enthusiastic response from the Association of Black Women came out and although I had yet to see the movie that pretty much seemed like a slightly more angry version of what I felt about it.
I've now seen the movie, and although I don't feel like reviewing it (the numerous subplots help and hurt) I will say this. I think it's good. Granted, there is a large female aspect to it that I don't have the perspective to comment on. However, from the racial perspective I will say that, although it totally is a "white guilt" movie, that doesn't mean it's absolutely horrible like The Blind Side. You know what else are white guilt movies? Avatar, The Last Samurai, Last of the Mohicans, Pocahontas and probably the upcoming Machine Gun Preacher. But most of those are at least decent.
Having just watched the latest Tyler Perry movie and realizing how much money he makes selling garbage to people starving for content, I was reminded of how much the white domination of Hollywood really sucks. The slight marginalization of black characters in favor of white protagonists in The Help is the result of that. However, it is also a well-done, very well-acted movie and that still counts for something.
Back to moving in...
I've now seen the movie, and although I don't feel like reviewing it (the numerous subplots help and hurt) I will say this. I think it's good. Granted, there is a large female aspect to it that I don't have the perspective to comment on. However, from the racial perspective I will say that, although it totally is a "white guilt" movie, that doesn't mean it's absolutely horrible like The Blind Side. You know what else are white guilt movies? Avatar, The Last Samurai, Last of the Mohicans, Pocahontas and probably the upcoming Machine Gun Preacher. But most of those are at least decent.
Having just watched the latest Tyler Perry movie and realizing how much money he makes selling garbage to people starving for content, I was reminded of how much the white domination of Hollywood really sucks. The slight marginalization of black characters in favor of white protagonists in The Help is the result of that. However, it is also a well-done, very well-acted movie and that still counts for something.
Back to moving in...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Stuff I Did This Week 9/7/2011
Northwestern University part 2 starts tomorrow and I'm so excited but before my flight, here's the stuff I wrote on the internet this week.
Square&Ball HD Review
Ant Raid Review
Robot 99 Review
Monday, September 5, 2011
IGN: I Went There
San Francisco is a fine vacation spot. There are In-N-Out Burgers, Luchador masks, and this amazing antique arcade museum I hope to tell people more about later. But my main reason for going was to see what it's like to work at a gaming website office, something I hope to eventually. Luckily,'s First Friday tour was the glimpse I was waiting for.
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podcast room |

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bad pic of the game library |
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bottom left, Mark Ryan Sallee and Colin Moriarty |
Now I just have to make the switch from tourist to employee.
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They have this now though so I'm all good |
Monday, August 29, 2011
And I'm Off
So after surviving and incredibly mild east coast earthquake and a not-so-mild hurricane/power outage, tomorrow I'm headed off to San Francisco before returning for part 2 of Northwestern University. I might try to write something while out there, hopefully about my trip to the IGN offices and the subsequent skyrocketing of my games journalism career, but in the meantime go watch stuff on Homestar Runner. Almost forgot how amazing that stuff is.
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